ENTRY PENDING ... JANUARY,23,2025 Finally got the fumigation done, had to loiter outside for 4 hours while they did it though, I can barely think straight, my room has been a mess for too long JANUARY,20,2025 They pushed back again...Thrsday...fucking a... JANUARY,18,2025 Despite asking on Thursday and Friday where the exterminator was they said they wouldn't be here until Monday...I need to eat, I want my stuff back, I need to put away the mess in my room, I hate this... JANUARY,16,2025 Everything just keeps getting worse...RIP Lynch JANUARY,15,2025 The exterminator was supposed to come back today but instead it was just the manager checking to see if my cabinets were empty, they said the exterminator should come on Thursday or Friday and gave me a place to store my stuff... JANUARY,08,2025 An exterminator FINALLY came but they barely did anything, almost didn't even step foot in my room until I begged them...it was a miserable experiece, they said they could come back next week if I cleared out my kitchen space though, problem is I have nowhere to put the stuff that is in there... JANUARY,01,2025 New years...woo DECEMBER,30,2024 Had a checkin at the clinic, I'm 100 lbs now! Finally gaining weight... DECEMBER,20,2024 I haven't written here in a while, there has not been much to say...my situation still sucks and I can't see any way out...well, I accidentally lit my hair on fire today, so that's something... OCTOBER,31,2024 ERROR-Phys=MELT.DWN; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. OCTOBER,30,2024 ERROR-Phys=MELT.DWN; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. OCTOBER,26,2024 I forced myself out to vote, it was hell... OCTOBER,20,2024 Just great, now I've gone and gotten sick... OCTOBER,13,2024 When I got out of bed this morning and went to brush my teeth my mouth was just full of blood...I wish I could rip out my damn jaw and get an I.V. plug installed...fmf OCTOBER,01,2024 ERROR-Phys=MELT.DWN; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,25,2024 ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN=RISK"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,20,2024 The heat is starting to pass, but the damn vermin are breaking in, killed 5 today, this is why I keep all my food in sealed containers...but I can still see them crawling on it... SEPTEMBER,12,2024 Happy Birthday! ~with all my love~ SEPTEMBER,08,2024 It is soo damn hot, can't escape the heat in this cell, I've just been lying around, nude, and barely half awake for the last few days... SEPTEMBER,05,2024 ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN=RISK"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,03,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. AUGUST,27,2024 ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN=RISK"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc.Event(s) Recorded to Arc. AUGUST,21,2024 They finally "fixed" their busted alarm they had "no control" over...>.>; EVENT:"Broken.fire.alarm-B"-"END"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. AUGUST,15,2024 EVENT:"Broken.Fire.alarm-B"".Cont"; ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN=RISK"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. AUGUST,07,2024 Saw the Doc today...I only weigh 92lbs and will never be thiccc T-T... also, my heart is pretty fucked, they decided to scan it with ECG to see if they can determine what is causing the meltdowns...; EVENT:"Doctors "Visit""; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JULY,29,2024 ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JULY,22,2024 ERROR-LOGICAL.FAM=LOSS; EVENT:RENT=INCREASE@$81; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JULY,12,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,28,2024 EVENT:"D347H.0F.511M3-217"; EVENT:"PSY-op.END.BY:"217"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,27,2024 EVENT:"Broken.fire.alarm-B"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MAY,12,2024 EVENT:"PSY-op.Cont.BY:"217";REPORTED; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. APRIL,08,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,27,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,21,2024 ERROR-LOGICAL.FAM=LOSS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,17,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,16,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,05,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS;Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,02,2024 ERROR-FAULT.DET=NET.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,01,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,29,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,27,2024 ERROR-FAULT.Cont=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,24,2024 EVENT:"PSY-op.Cont.BY:"217";REPORTED; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,22,2024 EVENT:"PSY-op.Cont.BY:"217";REPORTED; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,19,2024 EVENT:"PSY-op.Cont.BY:"217"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,18,2024 EVENT:"PSY-op.Cont.BY:"217";REPORTED; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,04,2024 EVENT:"Broken.fire.alarm-A"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. DECEMBER,XX,2023 ERROR-FAULT.DET=COMMS.SYS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,05,2023 EVENT:"Occupation.Terminated.BY:"Ax.Jx"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JULY,20,2023 EVENT:protocal.generated= HRT; Init-prot: HRT; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,01,2023 Ever since this new manager took over, my work environment has been getting more and more hostile twoards me...something just feels off... MARCH,05,2023 The POS landlord came into my room while they knew I was out of town...their excuse was they didn't know where the plumbing in the building connects to...; EVENT:"Unannounced.Illegal.Entry"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JANUARY,01,2023 EVENT:FUNCTION-MASKING=TERMINATE; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. DECEMBER,XX,2022 ERROR-LOGICAL.FAM=LOSS; EVENT:"PSY-op.Init.BY:"217"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JULY,27,2022 EVENT:TOOTH=EXTRACTION@BBR/LH; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,22,2022 EVENT:RENT=INCREASE@$30; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,22,2022 EVENT:"511M3-217"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. DECEMBER,29,2021 There is boundless unappreciated beauty to be found beneath the dark clouds veil DECEMBER,XX,2021 EVENT:"New Manager:Axxxx.Jxxx"; EVENT:"Transport(2).Stolen.Replacement"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,XX,2021 I was able to FINALLY get the fuck out of that damn place...but I can BARELY afford my new place, and it doesnt have secured parking >:/; EVENT:"Forced.Relocation";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MARCH,29,2021 Room[H]ates fighting AGAIN... they go on for hours every night, its been like this for months, landlord won't do shit...I've gotta get the hell outta here... INVALID,XX,2020 EVENT:"Occupation.Relocation"; EVENT:"Transport.Breakdown.Replacement"; ERROR-Phys="MELT.DWN"; EVENT:"Forced.Relocation(x2)";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. MAY, 24, 2019 EVENT:"Forced.Relocation";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. FEBRUARY,18,2019 OPERATION: KILLDOZER "Pushed to take unreasonable action" :Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Freexxxxx;DoB-1/28/1967;52;18200.Killxxx.St.Tarzana.;(xxx)xxx-xxxx;Wireless.Cellco.Partnership.Dba.Verizon.Wireless-Ca;mrxxxx@aol;xfreexxx@aol; Case.Number:20082015709;Document.Type:Lien;Court.ID:CALOSC1;12/26/2008;Schedule.341.Meeting;11/14/2008;; C.#:20072563132;1/5/2008;11/16/2007;; C.#:053078631;5/31/2006;12/14/2005;C.#:11-15396;Document.Type:Bankruptcy;Court.ID:CAC;Xxxxx.Carroll;9/7/2016;3/23/2011;2/8/2011;Discharged.Date:6/10/2011; OPERATION STATUS=ABORTED;Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,23,2018 -MUrD3r- ARCHIVES :#w54m1j;#da8hs1;#6c21c6;#881cb2;#ft78he;#b41a85;#7b6e27;"HEYAKAOS!;3"; #bv66xz;#zf33cv;#kn32bn;#ol92vc;#xz12fn;#hj09mu;#dc46tv;#rf77nb;#fr65tb;x-23;x-24x-25;#BN23NB;#RK23VN;andover;sigil_tracking;#SO91LA;#KN32VB;#NC43JN; E6E59831-F92C-1770-64E3-5F0199D25F25; inconcenssus ;chitetezo;7133400D-F18E-8885-E2AD-C43EE427617E;chinyengo;#s1h7D6;2ABB906B-6E8A-6422-0DA3-FEABEA22476B;pwoteksyon;E6E59831-F92C-1770-64E3-5F0199D25F25; desepsyon;wheeler;#B2C5X3;#l6d7x2;grisha;wharton;#A438D6;#d2k4f2;#S8T5Y3;perlindungan;penipuan;parr;nathaniel;myrick;#4S8D5D;Burzynski;8w2e2q;zastita; obmana;#k4d9m2;#j3f9m1;Walters;#D2S9O8;#9R8T2P;petmine;#q4p4m5;#4d5w1t;#d2i3f0;azuro;#g257k;#6w5e8;Weir;tshireletso;thetso;#u4x8e5; barbinzonhotels ;Quarles;wheeler sux;#F4AC99;#MS79KA;603BB05C-21A9-64CB-0040-687A3219CEF5;417DE437-CBCD-AEBE-F051-3CD00A30B59E;E287D05E-6F3A-858A-45B4-4B21F42D0B7D; 6B967FEC-5370-2A65-B1CF-75B6F87A5BF4;6B967FEC-5370-2A65-B1CF-75B6F87A5BF4;1AAE858D-446C-7F80-4548-11584AA0D198;348B1878-12D9-9F5D-8A81-5EBDBEC6F994; 5544F141-95D2-4064-3CF9-0F470A505000;#ANP334;F5B644AF-2937-2FF8-7525-5A1D61F0866D;#bc43rv;#FV32DC;BA3883CD-B742-691D-E06A-E60CF51F6FA3; BA8E2C17-7DFF-0EEE-DC69-D7A8237EAC90;9BA82FA2-E86A-0754-56AC-F932C21D9875;C87AB9E9-CEBC-5532-0478-E4AF6C57D5EE;B11D9289-B9F9-6ACC-B075-1870ED8B3700; D84191BB-8B9C-9C97-024C-EFEAD972FB46;#5F9AC3;16EFA8B2-D85D-9331-150D-5E67A2C65ADA;#9F73BA#F0FD75C8-4115-A1BF-D19D-18586CFC0882; 4AF6BF30-7C2C-5140-F036-35A61B52FE94;4F69C862-07D0-B88E-B0A9-73697F96145C;#8B97E5;67BB69D1-8B6D-70B3-C76D-009A144881CD;#6FD99C2; Whitechapel/Letter;pnakotic;#DD3F72;#42F10E;B17E63D4-F2FC-AD6E-DFFE-2A44149F0426;Hip-Hop:Simmons:Prince Ikey C;Regina Saddler; Franklin.Armory.Men’s.Shelter;Lein.Figueroa;Lee.Quiñones;;Herman Webster Mudgett;Albert Jackson Tirrell;Howard Carter;Nyarlathotep;;Zekh;vampire organs; x-10;"esoteric phenomena";Cape Town;Biocare Institute;HOGUZK287;SH-588;FI-146 UG-749;HD83KS0; OCTOBER,20,2017 EVENT:"Gifted.Transport.BY:"T-bone"";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. AUGUST,14,2017 Dear Nightmind:Having completed a thorough review of your work, it is clear to me that your resourcefulness, attention to detail,and the scope of your interests would make you an ideal fellow operative, and I personally feel that the agency could greatly benefit from your allegiance! Please consider this "invitation" if it makes its way across your desk ;3 DECEMBER,20,2016 Today I saw a lovely murder as I waited for the bus in the rain ;3 DECEMBER,06,2016 #G9D8V7;#V0H2M7;#L6D1N3;#J5A9M4;#rv657a;#K5S2B1;#U7X6X5;#f7s4n9;#S7T8G5;#D8S3B5;#6F4FA7;#ANP334;#BK43MN;;"Ahnayro";ormond+serpentine;OBSESSION=SHADOW; watson;ellis;1892;goodness;mitchell;transformer;?hypnos?;atsf;suicide;redcrown;pasadena;private network;boukman;zombie;dessalines; latin mosquito.yellow.fever;1728.tignon;kongo;jun23;odooya;jackson;varney;charlotte;Oak.Valley.intranet;Delgado;fear.of.the.woods.@night;amafufunyana; wendigo;psychic.bookshop;occasions.of.sin;ars.moriendi;"Rituale Romanum";"outside help";Hermes;psychopomp;1901;Chapman;Astral;1976; "Queens.Gate";respice.post.te-???";"the.sorrows"-we.rt.h.er;exhume-me.rc.y;ever.lasting-me.rc.u.ry;"first.of.pieces";sandman;"cause.of.death"; 1.9.51;judgement;fo.rm.os.us;dibikad;As.ib.ik.aa.s.hi;"blood.vomit";1.7.93;hysteria;ye.ll.ow;tarnkappe;al.pd.ru.ck;idol;bo.kr.ug;doctrina.coelesti; dromboken.curse."voodoo.death";"occult.detective".monkey."grimm.lesson"-sh.ud.de.r;"oyo"-za.ng.be.to; INVALID,XX,2016 To my co-workers: It has been a good ride! Since 2014 I have had to become independent, and separate myself from my cursed bloodline. Over the last two years, thanks to you, I have finally been able to support myself. This never would have been possible for me if not for this job, and all of you here who have helped move me forward. Thank you all soo very much, especially those of you who are still here after all this time! During these past two years I have been able to reclaim more of myself and I owe it all to you, my team, and second family! Thanks again for everything, and best of luck on the road ahead.-ENTRY=INVALID(SEE:CORPSE PROT.); EVENT:"Chosen.Relocation";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JANUARY,XX,2016 EVENT:"Fr33D0M"(2); ERROR-LOGICAL.FAM=LOSS; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. INVALID,XX,2015 #BTM4A17;#GH73Q3;morphomeds;customer # 40FH32;#DN98A1;#8DFJ9D;#XJ99M6;#XJ99M7;#XJ99M8;#81482A;#AD79K4;rosenbergclinc;@smyrick;+ Mavericks;#QW32FC superterram ;#FT78RE;#TI98DC;@lmoss;+ Watterson;#RP71MN;#827631C abs-temple ;+Paris;#LO96S2;#HW39D4;#HW78L2;#HW92T1;#HL3UG5;#DL8w3S#JS299W; OCTOBER,XX,2015 EVENT:"W4rN1N6.r17U41"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,XX,2015 EVENT:"C0N741NM3N7.r17U41"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. SEPTEMBER,05,2014 EVENT:"Occupation.Initiated"; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. INVALID,XX,2013 ERROR-FUNCTION: MASKING=FAILURE; Init-prot: CORPSE; Event(s) Recorded to Arc. INVALID,XX,2008 EVENT:protocal.generated=LOGICAL.FAM; Init-prot: LOGICAL.FAM;Event(s) Recorded to Arc. JUNE,06,2006 EVENT:"Fr33D0M";Event(s) Recorded to Arc. INVALID,XX,1999 EVENT:"F10W3rC45K37"; Init-fnc:MASKING; EVENT:protocal.generated=CORPSE;Event(s) Recorded to Arc. |